
SBCN YouTube Small Business Perspective Videos

Why not check out the Small Business Community Network (SBCN) most recent YouTube Video, SBCN Small Biz Perspectives.

I host the video chats, as one of the co-founders I want to share as much information as possible to help small business owners, and this is a great way to do it.

In this video SBCN Member Steve Bentley, Northern River Financial is our featured guest and we chat about Business Plans.

Ready to Connect? Networking events?

Do you network and at that how much time do you spend networking. When people ask me about it, I tell them how much time I spend and they look at me like I’m crazy! Am I?  Well no, I am not. My business is networking and as such I do it to the tee. I often coach clients on networking; teaching them the ins and outs of networking, tricks and tips, and so on.

I will be writing a full blog about networking, but in the mean time here are several events happening in KW.

SBCN Connect  Tuesday Nov 13 2012 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm The Honest Lawyer

We are Talking Mobile!!!

In this upcoming month at the SBCN meeting, we will be discussing mobile apps. Why? Simply put, it is the future and we need to know it! We will spend some time on mobile in general looking at stats, what is an app, what is it good for and a recap of social media that integrates with apps. The easy marketing that comes from all these tools has been given to you through the months and those that took advantage of my time and have followed me online have had a great opportunity to grow.