
Hockey Helps the Homeless K-W – Year 5

A day of hockey and fun for a good cause. Craig Herner and Ultimate Vision Web & IT Solutions have been supporters of this annual fundraiser tournament since 2014. Hockey Helps the Homeless is a national charity that holds annual tournaments in 11 cities across the country. The Kitchener-Waterloo event is in its fifth year, raising over $550,000 in the first four.


Ready to Connect? Networking events?

Do you network and at that how much time do you spend networking. When people ask me about it, I tell them how much time I spend and they look at me like I’m crazy! Am I?  Well no, I am not. My business is networking and as such I do it to the tee. I often coach clients on networking; teaching them the ins and outs of networking, tricks and tips, and so on.

I will be writing a full blog about networking, but in the mean time here are several events happening in KW.

SBCN Connect  Tuesday Nov 13 2012 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm The Honest Lawyer