SBCN Small Biz Podcast
The Small Business Community Network (SBCN) Small Biz Podcast. Featuring interviews with CEOs and other small business leaders, the latest new trends and tips for your successful business. Hosted by SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner, the SBCN Small Biz Podcast would be of interest to people thinking about starting a small business, or small business owners who want valuable insights for growth.
Listen below, or scroll to the bottom for how to subscribe to the SBCN Small Biz Podcast.
Interview with Ashley Griffin
Ashley Griffin, IT expert, owner of GRIFFCOMM (and fellow Brit) joins SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner in today’s episode. We hear Ashley’s early days of getting into the computer and technology field, and how he brings a fair and honest approach for his customers.
Interview with Glenn Poulos
Our guest today is Glenn Poulos - recently retired from his role as Executive Vice President and General Manager of NWS. Glenn and Linda discuss post-retirement from NWS and Glenn’s exciting new venture in Florida, US. He’s now on a mission to grow another business to great success.
Interview with Maxine Metzger
SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner chats with Maxine Metzger about the launch of Synergy Business Events. Maxine's newest venture hosts the Synergy Business Events Expo on January 29th, from 2pm-8pm at Forbes Hall, RIM Park, Waterloo, Ontario. Featuring a number of local businesses representing a wide range of industries, networking and information sessions.
Interview with April Lupi
Linda Ockwell-Jenner is joined by April Lupi to explore a fascinating topic: Somatic Coaching. We’ve all heard of coaching before, but April integrates somatic experiencing as part of her approach. If you’ve never heard of somatic coaching, then this episode is for you.Find out more about April at
Interview with Niharika Sinha Chopra
In today’s episode of the SBCN Small Biz Podcast, SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner chats with Niharika Sinha Chopra from Staebler Insurance. Having lived in India, Africa, the UK, Niharika has called Canada home for the past 20 years.
Interview with Adam Mawer
Linda Ockwell-Jenner is joined by Adam Mawer, Director of Workhaus KW - a Canadian co-working space. Adam started with the organization as a member, before taking a role at Workhaus itself. Workhaus is the title sponsor for the SBCN and home to our monthly networking events in Waterloo Region.
Interview with Brenda Schrader-Sanders
Linda Ockwell-Jenner, SBCN Co-Founder is joined by Brenda Schrader-Sanders of Jumpstart Your Success ( Brenda previously enjoyed a distinguished career in real estate and now through Jumpstart uses hypnosis to support her clients find greater success through her coaching programs. Brenda de-mystifies her approach and the types of outcomes that she’s seen her clients achieve.
Interview with Rob Dice
Linda Ockwell-Jenner is joined by Robert Dice, Insurance Made Simple. Rob has always liked helping people and now works with his clients to solve their insurance problems across families, self-employed, and corporations.
Equity Crowdfunding
Tom Fournier, CEO of Markets Connection joins SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner to talk about a novel money raising approach for his latest business venture, a multi-vendor marketplace called Markets Connection ( Tom and his business partner are pursuing an equity crowdfunding model - something that is relatively new to Canada - selling shares in the company to small investors.
Interview with Linda McLeod
Linda Ockwell-Jenner’s guest on the SBCN Small Biz Podcast today is… Linda! Linda MacLeod from AMJ Campbell joins our SBCN Co-Founder to talk about the company’s role in helping people move things across the street, across town, across the country or across the world.