With many businesses returning to work this signifies the beginning of the new normal for corporate and small businesses.Sadly, not all businesses have survived the pandemic.If…
Browse articles submitted by SBCN members past and present
Getting Ready For Business
by Linda Ockwell-Jenner
Cybersecurity Concerns During Work-From-Home
by Dave Ockwell-Jenner
If there is one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the business world, it’s disruption on a level we haven’t seen in decades.One of the hallmarks of this disruption was…
Amplification Through Social Media
by Tom Fournier
Are you using social media such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook to try to promote your business or to elevate your personal credentials?Perhaps you are also networking…
Virtual Networking For Your Success
by Linda Ockwell-Jenner
The Small Business Community Network (SBCN) wants you to be successful every step of the way! Business networking whether it's in person or virtual is a valuable asset to build…
Managing Through A Period Of Business Disruption
by Tom Fournier
By Tom Fournier During our recent "virtual" monthly networking session, I spoke for PowerUp on managing through this time of disruption. From my notes, I have…
Motivational Steps Live Stream
by Linda Ockwell-Jenner
I am the President of Motivational Steps and recently I have been experimenting with live streaming my converations with various busines people.When trying something new I…
Motivational Steps Podcast
by Linda Ockwell-Jenner
I have been sharing my Motivational Moments Podcast for many years, it's a great way to reach my target market, help people and of course for others to enjoy my podcast. If…
Motivational Steps
by Linda Ockwell-Jenner
Motivational Steps I came up with the idea to start my own business just months after I had been diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. Unfortunately I had to have…
Sbcn Trivia Tuesdays
by Dave Ockwell-Jenner
With the COVID-19 global pandemic having a large impact upon small business, the Small Business Community Network (SBCN) is finding new ways to keep our community engaged and…
Exploring Instagram
by Linda Ockwell-Jenner
Here's a quick look at my Instagram page from today...... The item in the bottom middle is a native video I just posted, which is quickly becoming one of my most popular posts. A…
What Small Businesses Can Learn From Djs
by Dave Ockwell-Jenner
Don’t worry, I haven’t lost my mind... rather I’m challenging yours to think about where you draw ideas and inspiration from in your business.By way of some background, in…
What Does A Garden Hose Have To Do With Sales?
by Tom Fournier
At the February, 2020 Monthly SBCN Networking Event, the notion of motivation came up several times.It reminded me of a sales analogy that I used when I was in the…