
What can you do to deal with the unexpected?

Would your business be prepared if a catastrophic event occurred? Do you have a plan to cover the potential loss of a key person through choice or due to serious illness, disability, or death, or to mitigate the consequences of a divorce, which can have a substantial impact on a family business? Planning ahead can help you limit the damage to the business you have worked so hard to build, and to which you have committed so many resources. Here are some strategies to help protect your business:

Do You Know your Home Office Insurance Needs?

Do You Know your Home Office Insurance Needs?

 Your business is just started so that you may not even have an office and are working from home. It’s just you and your computer in your den or you and your tools in your garage.

What happens if something goes wrong in your home work area? What if someone steals your tools or your computer gets trashed in a base­ment flood or a fire?

Digital business incompetence' will cause 1/4 of companies to lose competitive ranking

Digital business incompetence' will cause 1/4 of companies to lose competitive ranking

A quarter of businesses will lose competitive ranking over the next few years because of “digital business incompetence,” according to research firm Gartner.


Based on a survey of 151 participants involved in digital business strategy, 90% said they thought competition for talent will make or break digital business success, Gartner says.

Gratitude is Vital!

Well, it's a New Year and I, for one, have decided that this year will be amazing!  What about you?

There is an old saying that says, if you keep doing what you've been doing, you will keep getting the same results. Yuck! for some. Great! for others. I believe we are all capable of making a success of our lives whether this be personal or professional.  And for many small business owners, these two fields overlap all too often.  The ultimate question I find difficult to answer  when someone asks is, 'Tell me about yourself.' What do they really want to know?