Local Charity Needs Our Help!

A friend contacted me asking for help with this needy local fundraiser!

As you may know, kidsLINK Family Support and Respite Service is having their annual Gourmet Trail on May 5, 2012. They are in desperate need of our support with the following items needed:

1) Silent Auction Items: - $50 value minimum

In order to be included in the print material for the day of the event, we need confirmation of donation by April 13th as all material will be handed over to the printers by April 14th.

2) Raffle Items for the bus: We require six (6) raffle items per donor as we would like to include one (1) of every raffle item on each of the buses.

3) Swag Bag items: Swag bags will be given to each participant at the end of the event. There will be approximately 350 swag bags.

4) We'd really appreciate if anyone can donate a BBQ or Stove for our Live auction packages.

This is the only kidsLINK fundraiser of the year. Therefore, we would truly appreciate a sponsorship or donation of items. It's a wonderful way to really shine in our community while helping a worthwhile cause - the continued delivery of the Family Support and Respite Services.

I have all the necessary paperwork – if you are interested in donating (however small), please contact me directly at frysecurity60@gmail.com or 905-308-4769 and I will be happy to forward you the information.

Please note, however, in order for your company name to be part of the advertising for this event, it has to be received by April 13th!

Thank you for your support. 
