Happy Feet Workshop!


Sometimes during our youth we have sprained or strained the bones in our feet! This can cause lots of knee, hip, back or other problems!

Your feet were made for walking! Walking without pain or strain, by moving through all the tiny bones and muscles!

In this workshop we will address:

♥ Being aware of how your feet move,
♥ Learn how your feet can cause the pain in your back,
♥ Create better balance,
♥ Create more movement in your toes, feet, and ankles
♥ You will walk away totally different then you walked in

Who should attend:

♥ runners and other athletes
♥ if you have a fallen arch
♥ if you have pain in your back or feet
♥ those that feel their feet don't move as well as they could
♥ those that want better balance
♥ massage therapists, chiropractors or other health care providers (CEU's available)

Cost $175 HST included.  (SBCN Members receive 20% discount)

Snacks and herbal tea will be provided, you may want to bring a small lunch!
Wear layered clothing that is easy to move in.

Call Karen Toth at 519-743-5375  to reserve your spot as space is limited!