Think &Amp; Grow Rich In A Proactive Manner

Scene 1: Small Business owner A) sits in office all day - thinking.

Scene 2: Small Business owner B) visits small business owner A) to connect and find out how they can help each other, but is met with silence.

Scene 3: Small Business owner A) sends small business owner B) away because he interrupted his thinking process.

Scene 4: Small Business owner B) askes small business owner A) what he is thinking about that takes all day, all night and potentially is damaging his business.

Scene 5: Small Business owner A) answers " I AM THINKING and I will GROW RICH".

Scene 6: Small Business owner B) enjoys holidays, 2 homes, a boat and a great life after working hard to build his business foundations and engage with connections.

Scene 7: Small Business owner A) is sitting in his empty office,with no clients, thinking about how to get rich, because someone once told him THINK & You will GROW RICH!

Moral of the story: Thinking is great, growing rich is wonderful, but sitting there and not taking ACTION could mean nothing happens. Use the idea proactively and do not expect miracles, hard work, dedication, passion and using ideas that work today in the 21st Century could mean you will succeed.