Social Media And Some Results!

Karen Toth here!  I am so excited.  Because of Facebook, I am off to Edmonton on June 10 - 15 to work with some special needs children. 

June 23rd I am off to an "International marathon Pilates" event.  My flight and room are paid.  I have not been to Italy so this is a wonderful opportunity to travel there and teach some Pilates.   If you just happen to be in Italy, about 3km from Pompei,  June 25 - 28, please come by Castellammare di Stabia!

I have also attracted a new client from fb to two workshops being held at my studio.

If you are not on social media and would like to increase your business.  I highly recommend you start a business page "now".  Remember not to advertise your product, but do tweet what you are doing and how your are being!


Karen Toth