I was taught by my parents from a very young age to share. Whether it was my toys, my sweets/candy or my time. Obviously as a young child it is not always easy to share, for obvious reasons. I was a very shy young girl who lacked self esteem and yearned to be liked until, that is, I realized something interesting.
You don't have to be the prettiest, or the cleverest person for people to like you. All of us have something other people want, and once you know what it is you have that others want, you discover something quite wonderful.
I had good listening skills, something I came to realize as I matured into a teenager. People don't want advice, people don't want to be told what to do, people want someone to listen to them, to take an interest in them.
Have you ever had a problem and thought to yourself you need to talk to someone and you phone your best friend, as an example. You need to clear your head, you need to get it all out, relieve your stress and just talk, and have someone just listen.
But, your best friend has all the answers and this friend keeps on interrupting your flow and you just want to carry on letting it all out, but your friend wants to help. When in reality they are not helping, listening would be helpful, at this point in time.
My listening skills are my way of sharing something very positive and helpful to others. I can be there for someone, I can listen and I can take in what the other person is sharing with me. Ultimately there will be a time when that person does want me to offer some advice whatever that may be. But, by jumping in and thinking we know what the other person wants before we have had chance to listen and digest what they are saying is no help at all.
I may not be the most popular person still, but people know they can come to me and I will listen and I will hear and I will be there for them when they need to take the next step.
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