SBCN Events

We host regular monthly networking events, every third Wednesday evening at the WRSBC, Kitchener City Hall.  The purpose of these events is obviously the networking opportunities to meet new connections and of course build strong relationships with our known connections, consistently, every month.

The monthly seminars educate the attendees on many diverse topics relating to businesses.

  • Branding
  • Sales
  • Finance
  • Networking
  • Social Media

The above list is an example of a few of the topics our members and guest speakers share via their presentation.

In June we come up with a special event that once again educates the attendees but also raises awareness about some of the issues that businesses have to find solutions to. We have so far offered the following special events that have been well received:

  • The SBCN Apprentice
  • The TeaPot Company
  • Build-a-Biz
  • Eventterrific

These special events are very popular and the takeaways are always beneficial.

In July we offer the SBCN Summer Social We think the summer is worth celebrating! Every year we invite our SBCN members, our on-line community, and anyone else who feels like celebrating, to come together and enjoy the best the summer has to offer.

Our Summer Social is a chance to relax, laugh and of course, network!

And finally, a Summer Social wouldn't be complete without the SBCN's (in)famous quiz. Each year we pick a new theme, with winning teams receiving a small prize and the greater honour of having conquered the quiz!

The SBCN Coffee Connect SBCN Coffee Connect is the perfect way to connect with mentors and business owners over coffee.

The small business community thrives on making and maintaining connections. Go to any coffee shop and chances are you'll see people having a business meeting. So why limit yourself to meeting one person? What if we could combine multiple businesses in the same coffee shop, at the same time?

That is what SBCN Coffee Connect delivers... a weekly one-stop shop to connect with local small businesses in the community.

Spearheading SBCN Coffee Connect is Linda Ockwell-Jenner: Co-Founder of the Small Business Community Network, President of Motivational Steps and Creator and Co-Host of The Small Business Show on Rogers TV. She's known as The Social Sweetheart, and meeting people over coffee is her tradecraft!

We have hosted three successful MarketPlace Conferences in the past. The SBCN Showcase, which brings together diverse businesses who host a booth and members of the public, can wander around completely free.

As you can see the SBCN offers value for money, beneficial and interesting opportunities to the small business community in general.