People Are Just Not Getting It!

What is the most important thing to you at this time? An interesting question and even more interesting are some of the answers I get from my audience, especially when I offer one of my popular keynotes entitled, Do You Play Russian Roulette? I ask for audience participation and here are some of the answers I get:

  • My car
  • Looking good
  • Clothes
  • Golfing
  • My hair
I must admit I have given an example of some of the answers that I believe indicate  some people are not thinking about what is really important, but they actually had no idea until I illustrated to them via my presentation the correct answer.

Health should be top of the list, a priority, good health is essential in order to do and enjoy the things I listed earlier. Yes I agree you can have a nice car and by all means make sure you maintain the car in order for it to work efficiently. Wash the car, polish it until it shines, fill it up with the best gas and oil and check on the tires to make sure they are safe.

Take a trip to the spa, have a facial, manicure and pedicure and have your hair washed and styled, you look gorgeous. On the way home stop off and grab some fast food because there is no time to eat a sensible diet. Forget the exercise ,your favourite t.v. show is coming on soon and that cannot be missed.

The point here is, many people fail to maintain their body in order to continue the good health they need to enjoy a long and happy life. If we can put the best gas and oil in our car why not put the best food in our bodies? If we look good on the outside surely we need to feel good on the inside? What we put into our bodies can determine many things. Golf is an excellent form of moderate exercise, walking is healthy. The problem arises when we then smoke the cigarette and eat the fast food, we cross out the health benefits gained from exercise.

In order to live a healthy and happy life we need to look after ourselves better than we look after our possessions. Next time we decide to drive to the garage and pamper our nice shiny car think about who would be driving that car if we succumbed to a terrible disease and did not survive. I know it sounds dramatic but it does happen. Enjoying our car, our hobbbies, shopping and other things in life can only be possible if we enjoy a healthy lifestyle first and foremost.

Think health and wellness first, body mind  and spirit and the rest will follow!