Orange Juice Is Good For You, But...

I read today that drinking a glass of orange juice at least once a day is good for your health. I always thought that this was the case, but now scientists are saying that our skin can benefit from drinking orange juice. Especially where skin damage is concerned.

I tend to look at what is healthy for me, I am different to everyone else and I use my common sense here versus changing my mind every time a new idea is thrown at us. In the past I  have heard that too much orange juice is not good for you! Moderation is the key, but also what you eat and whether you eat a reasonably healthy diet definitely makes a difference. For example you can drink as much orange juice as you want to help you have nicer skin, but if you are eating a lot of fried foods, candies or even drinking too much alcohol, the benefits of drinking the orange juice might well be wiped out by your less than healthy choices.

Think healthy body, mind and spirit, think of those three things as your team and if one of those things is not balanced then the other two might not work as well as you would like. For instance if you are stressed then you can suffer lack of appetite, or eat too much or not get enough sleep. All or even one of those things may mean you break out in spots, have an allergic rash or just look very tired and worn out. If you drink orange juice when you are stressed your skin might not look as good as you expect and then you could be disappointed thinking that orange juice is not benefiting you at all.

Forget the fads, forget the new age ideas, start thinking about you, what you know about your body, what you like, what you dislike and use your common sense.