Little Known Tax Strategy Tax

There are two things that effect bottom line net worth, taxes and investments. As an accountant, the offsetting of taxes is of primary and strategic importance. Even with application of the most sophisticated accounting solutions, clients continue to pay too much tax. Too much month left at the end of the money one might say.

Solutions have evaded me, until recently. The Government of Canada has allowed for certain types of concessions and strategies all codified within the income tax act. With advancement of what I will call “Philanthropreneurship”, the strategic coming together of both For Profit and Not For Profit industries, new and creative programs are becoming available to Canadians.

These advancements can have an incredible affect on your bottom line. As an accountant, I have spent almost twelve months in researching, interviewing and questioning some of Canada’s most profound proponents of what I have come to know as “Fourth Sector” economics. Fourth Sector solutions are resulting in bottom line enhancement for industry, charity, ends users and even taxation authorities.