Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

It's so very easy to say you want to own and operate a small business. You have seen others do it, so in that case it must be easy. What actually happens is you find out its not easy to be a small business owner and the excuses come all at once:


  • I don't have the time to run a business.
  • I don't have the money
  • I don't have any support from family or friends
  • I have children, they need me to be there
  • I don't have the experience needed

The above excuses are pretty normal, and I hear them every day. There are more excuses but I am sure you get the idea.

I don't have much respect or even time for people who make excuses when in reality what they are doing is giving up and this could be because of fear of the unknown. My reason for this is because I sit opposite many people who come to me for help, a free 1-hour complimentary session in fact. If at that time they tell me I don't understand because I am successful, and because I had it easy, that's when I know they are not serious about being in business.

If someone comes to me for help I would hope that they have checked me out online, know my story and then they will realise that I did it the hard way, but it worked. I love helping people, I am more than happy to mentor small business owners, as a give back, and as part of my business.

Don't give up, there are so many resources out there today, many free, for you to use and assist you grow your business foundations.

When you realize you are passionate about the business you want to start, and you do the homework needed, the research, and make a simple business plan that's the time to set your goals and know that they have to be attainable and you should only make a few short and long term goals, don't get swamped in the "to do list".

No one wants to hear excuses, so don't be the person to use an excuse as a way to "get out of jail free". Be honest, with yourself and with everyone else you think needs to know, and know that you are making excuses, so find out the "why".