Are You Blaming The Economy For Your Inability To Build Business Dreams?

Are you blaming the economy for your inability to build your business dreams?

If you are, it is time for a reality check.

Do you need an attitude adjustment?

The problem with many struggling small businesses—in any economy— begins with the owner’s attitude. The way you think—what you are telling yourself—is reflected in your external results. You create your own reality.

Tough times are often the best times for business growth and opportunities. Some of the most successful businesses were started in down economies—companies such as Southwest Airlines, Charles Schwab, and Federal Express.

The only thing you can control is how you react when things are out of control.

As business owners, we can’t control what the Government and Financial markets are doing or not doing.  So instead of focusing on things you can’t control, focus on the things you can.

When times get tough—get creative. Step back and look at problems from a new perspective. As my mother used to say, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.”

Businesses who rise to the top during tough times are the ones who are flexible enough to adjust to uncontrollable external factors, put faith in, and focus on their strengths.

What can you do to enhance your customer experience? What products or services provide the greatest revenue opportunities for your business? Are there ways to improve your productivity to add to your bottom line? Do you need to reinvent your business model?

Think about the following!

As the year, 2012 comes to a close, focus forward with positive thoughts about your business. Commit to building your success despite what economic circumstances prevail in the New Year.

Be one of the business owners who not only survives, but also thrives. Take personal accountability for your success.